The documents below include those policies and procedures that govern how we run as a council. The most important ones are: 
Standing Orders 2024 
Services & Communities Committee Terms of Reference 
Social Media Policy 
Operations Committee Terms of Reference 
Scheme of Delegation 2024 
Guidelines for broadcasting / Social Media at Council meetings 2024 
Planning, Licencing & Development Committee Terms of Reference 
Lead Member Roles 
Councillor / Officer Protocol 2024 


There are also other important documents around how we run our meetings, how our councillors are supported and how we ensure the highest standards: 
Councillor Code of Conduct 2024 
Councillor Allowances and Expenses policy 2024 
Information Technology for Councillors Policy 


We also have policies that support effective and safe management of the organisation, such as: 
Appraisal, 1 to 1 and Support policy. 
Absence and leave policy. 
Capability and Sickness Management Policy. 
Maternity, Paternity, Parental and adoption policy. 
Recruitment and Retention Policy. 
Security IT Policy. 
Disciplinary Procedure background policy. 
Volunteer Policy and Process. 
Lone Working policy 
Dignity at Work policy 
Employment Policy. 
Officers Allowances and Expenses policy. 
Redundancy Policy. 
Sickness policy. 
Training and Development Policy. 
Whistleblowing policy. 
Health and Safety policy 
Business Continuity policy 2024 
Equal Opportunities and diversity policy. 
Officer code of conduct policy. 
Red Alert – Emergency advice policy. 
Disciplinary Procedure. 
Councillor Training Policy Statement 2024 
Scheme of Delegation 2024 


We also have policies and procedures that make sure we spend your money wisely, have checks in place to make sure money is spent in line with our policies and to make sure we have sufficient insurances to cover any emergencies: 
Financial Regulations. 
Banking Procedures. 
Procurement Policy. 
Investment strategy. 
Tendering Procedures 
Risk Register 2024 


Regeneration policy 
Information Policy 2024 
Declaration of Gifts and Hospitality 
Early Years and Children policy 
FOI Publication Scheme 2024 
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy. 
Comments, Compliments & Complaints Policy 2024 


We will update our policies and documents page as we review them. If there are other documents that you would like to see, please contact us.