This page gives details of the financial transactions of the council over the financial year running from April 2024 - March 2025 
The first document is the ratified (agreed by council) budget for the year. This is set in January each year and forms the basis for spending and income for the year. This is reviewed regularly as more information is known. 
The second set of documents include the Annual Returns, audits and information about your rights to ask questions or look over the books. These are all about LAST years finances (April 2023 - March 2024) 
The final set of documents details the large amounts that the council spends each month (anything over £500). Some information is gathered into larger sums (things like wages, tax, pensions) so that personal information isn't shared, but if there are questions, please do get in touch with us.  
Click the button below to see the agreed budget for 2024/2025 
Alongside the budget information, we also share details of the 'precept' - this is the amount collected via Council Tax that goes towards the costs of running Woughton Community Council and the services that are provided.  
THE AGREED PRECEPT FOR 2023/24 IS £813,612.00, 
This is an increase of 15% with a Band D charge of £315.02 
This increase reflects the challenging position that the council faces, especially as a local council that provides high levels of services and therefore, significant staffing costs. With the precept increase in 2023/24 being below inflation levels and failing to cover the increases in wage costs, a larger increase was needed to ‘catch up’ and ensure reserves were maintained to a safe level. 
We bring income in from a variety of sources, including the precept – this is an amount that is part of Council Tax that provides income towards the services we provide. For information about the precept, you can visit the Milton Keynes Council website HERE
We will also publish details of our spending each month (in line with the law), give updates as we develop the budget for next year and details of the budget consultation, once we start that. 
Documents are shown here for the 2023/2024 financial year (which runs from April– March each year). Older finances can be seen by calling into the Office (Woughton Community Council Hub, Garraways, Coffee Hall). 


Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) – 2023/2024 
Internal Audit Final Report  
Exercise of Public Rights –  
Conclusion of Audit –  


April 2024 
July 2024 
October 2024 
January 2025 
May 2024 
August 2024 
November 2024 
February 2025 
June 2024 
September 2024 
December 2024 
March 2025