Easter Holiday Camps
Posted on 9th March 2023
As much Free fun that we could pack into 4 days!
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Easter holidays are fast approaching and alongside our usual Play Rangers offer across our estates, we will be offering some additional 4 hr day camps part funded by MKC HAF. Mindfulness Monday / Healthy Living Tuesday / Big Screen Wednesday / Forest School Thursday. These places have to be booked. You can register for any of our sessions either by following this link to our Eequ site, https://eequ.org/woughtonyouth where there's more info about each camp, and completing that form. Or you can go straight to each individual listing by clicking the highlighted links int he next section, below. You must have created an Eequ account to register for anything. If you do not have further access to the internet, cannot create an account or just want some assistance, please contact us by phone on 07983599279 or 01908 395681 and choose option 2 and the youth team will help you get booked in. It is first come, first serve booking so register asap!
4 Pre-bookable sessions, over 4 days with each sessions lasting 4 hours. Sessions will all run from the WCC Youth Centre at No95 Jonathans. Coffee Hall. Milton Keynes. MK6 5DR. Sessions are designed for young people aged 9-16yrs. All sessions are completely FREE and include a hot meal.
Day Camps are:
Monday 3rd April- Mindfulness: Yoga, Arts & Crafts. For ages 9-16yrs https://eequ.org/experience/2997
Tuesday 4th April- Healthy Living: Cookery and Gym Fitness. For ages 12-16yrs https://eequ.org/experience/2998
Wednesday 5th April- Big Screen Film time: Easter laughs- HOP. For ages 9-16yrs https://eequ.org/experience/2999
Thursday 6th April- Forest School: All the outdoor fun we can squeeze into 4 hours. For ages 9-16yrs. https://eequ.org/experience/2955
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